The Best Pizza

Mama’s has the best pizza in Santa Barbara. We sit on opposite sides of a little table for two with a red and white checked tablecloth. I take a book of matches out of my purse and light the blue candle in one of those chianti bottles wrapped in straw. It flickers between us and gives his skin a golden glow. A waiter brings the pizza and sets it on a circular metal stand in the center of the table. He moves the candle over to the side. The pizza is gorgeous–thick, bubbly mozzarella cheese studded with chunks of Italian sausage and fat mushroom slices. We lift big pieces onto our plates. Mmmmmm, thick chewy crust, like fresh-baked Italian bread. For a long time we don’t speak. We just savor big juicy bites. It’s not something you can nibble at–it’s the sort of food you inhale. It’s “died and gone to heaven” pizza.

Sunday Scribblings – Food

8 responses to “The Best Pizza

  1. I loved this. However I wanted him not the waiter to move the candle to one side so he could better look at you.

  2. Great description. Reading this made me hungry!

  3. I think I may be dribbling! hehe … wonderful :o)

  4. WoW..Yumm I wanna grab a pizza now 🙂 Loved the post

  5. mmm – what a table full of delicious made it so real I could almost feel the heat of the candles and the smell of the dough..wonderful..Jae

  6. My wife and I had pizza for lunch yesterday. Mexicana, with jalopeno peppers. We enthused yesterday, and I appreciated your story today.

    • Wow, Kate!

      I love your writing. The pizza was so deliciously chewy. Was this Joel in Mama’s with you? Kept imaging his blond hair reflecting the candle light.

      Have other stuff to tell you but not juxtaposed with your pizza. Will also read the article that followed this one after a little time has passed. Am looking forward to it, writer-writer!

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